Kim Nguyen's Profile:

Kim Nguyen has 1 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 562 times.

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Alisa Apps,
Echo Park,
United States of America, CA, Los Angeles,
90026, 1-310-927-2637
Personal Website :
Kim Nguyen is an intellectual jill-of-all trades and enjoys many activities, but namely writing, thrifting, sewing, tattoos, cooking, and talking to randos. She holds a Master's in Mass Communication from a reputable university in New England and loves chilly, rainy weather. On most days, she enjoys relaxing with a cup of tea and hanging out on her back porch with her cat, Lil Guy Richie. They reside in the über cool neighborhood of Echo Park in Los Angeles, California. If interested, you can stalk her blog as she waxes philosophical entries galore:
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